Elected Technologies is privately-held, non-partisan company that delivers technology and data solutions for democracy.
For years we have been giving political leaders more hours in their day and making it easier to understand and engage with constituents. Now, we’re flipping the script.
Politick puts the power in your hands, giving you the tools to reach and influence decisionmakers.
No more juggling spreadsheets and a multitude of tech platforms. Politick will help you save time, gather richer insights and build deeper relationships.
It’s your megaphone to shape the debate and achieve your goals. Let’s get started today!
Book a demoSupport
Politick is intuitive and easy to use, but we know sometimes everyone needs a little help. You can trust us to provide the support you need to get the most out of Politick.
Our local support team know the Australian political scene inside-out and can offer highly specific advice tailored to your situation.
- Onboarding program for new users
- Resources on how to maximise your influence
- Phone and email tech support
Speed and security
We make use of trusted, modern web technologies put the power in your hands, wherever and however you work. We’re used and trusted by governments at every level and your data is always 100% yours.
- Tailor-made for the Australian political environment
- World-class security
- Cloud-based secure storage